The Power of Virtual TownHalls
The numbers behind the success, the true success of Virtual TownHalls is in their ability to transcend traditional communication avenues in reaching an audience and capturing their attention. Virtual TownHalls are revolutionary because their interactive and multi-faceted platform enables you to gain and maintain the attention of voters.
The numbers behind Virtual TownHalls illustrates how successful they are:
1) On an average basis, Virtual TownHall participants remain actively engaged for over 15 minutes.
2) That’s an attention span 16 times greater than the web (57 seconds).
3) That’s an attention span 30 times greater than a 30 second TV spot.
4) The most significant number that truly makes a Virtual TownHall powerful:
– The price per call is far less than postage stamped literature which is less expensive than traditional marketing methods.
5) Of those who answer a Virtual TownHall call, the average participation rate is 52% versus:
– 3.4% direct mail response
– 6.6% online click-through rate
– 19.5% targeted email open rate
– 99% of Virtual TownHall participant’s voice messages are positive.
– Many messages include requests for invitations to future events and follow-up calls.
– Capacity to dial lists of 3 million people.
Fully Hosted Events
All of PrimeContact’s Virtual TownHall Meetings are completely fully hosted with all aspects being carefully considered to alleviate the responsibilities and time commitment from the client. PrimeContact has been trusted over 3000 times by Public Office Holders, CEOs, Unions and Campaigns. We also hold over three dozen government contracts to conduct 100% of their Virtual TownHall meetings in two different countries spanning into 2022.
With each event PrimeContact includes:
1) A Virtual TownHall Production Manager
2) A Virtual TownHall Technical Manager
3) A professional Radio Quality Moderator
4) As many as 100 professional Question Screeners
(depending on the size of the event)
Inbound Virtual Conference
The problem with conference calls is that they lack features to ensure proper management and control of a live call event. They also severely lack the capacity required for a large scale inbound TownHall. Combine this with the fact that they can be incredibly expensive, PrimeContact has filled this gap with our Inbound Virtual Conference technology.
Make your Virtual TownHall Meeting an inbound event. Use all of the traditional features of a Virtual TownHall and much more specifically designed for inbound participation.
Some unique inbound Virtual TownHall features are:
Issue individual PIN codes for security.
Quickly pre-screen every participant entering the event.
Live question and answer with professional Question Screeners.
Fully hosted by PrimeContact’s expert team.
Use of a 1-800 number or local number.
A massive capacity of up to 10,000 individuals calling inbound.
Additional bridges to transfer individuals out of the event to a third party. For example, this could be used for registration purposes.
Virtual Telethon
PrimeContact’s Virtual TownHall Meetings are also fully capable of holding Virtual Telethons. This technology is exactly the way it sounds, the ability to hold a massive fundraiser over the telephone. You could even include guest speakers and make exciting announcements all while being backed up by a team of operators, ready to take donations during the TownHall event. We have had some clients raise as much as $350,000 in 45 minutes when partnering with PrimeContact’s Virtual Telephone Technology.
Included in a Virtual Telethon service:
Experienced Live Moderator.
Professional fundraising consultation and a team of fundraising operators.
Live stream of the operators phone center.
All the additional personnel required for a fully hosted Virtual TownHall
PrimeContact’s Virtual TownHall meeting key elements and features.
- Live Polling Questions
- Invite Guest Speakers
- Transfer to a Live Operator
- Live Audio Webcast
- Live Video Webcast
- Voicemail Transfers
- Toll-Free Inbound Calling
- Staff Chat
- Digital Event Recording
- Companion Line
- Instant Reporting
- Follow Up Mailing
- Question and Answers
- Pre-Invite Voice Broadcast
- Radio Quality Host/Moderator
- Professional Question Screeners
- Unlimited Polling Questions
- Interactive Q & A
- TownHall Return