Peer to Peer

Start Your P2P Text Conversations!

How It Works

Peer-to-peer texting powered by Peerly allows a person to send out a large number of messages and engage in 1:1 text conversations. The replies are all easily managed in our web app.

How Fast Is It?

We allow unlimited senders to be logged in and each sender and text up to 9,000 people per hour. Our web app supercharges your sending so you can reach people fast & effectively.

Why Use P2P

It is a personal one on one messaging which allows you to engage a person and collect valuable information. Also, this is a welcomed form of messaging and is not perceived as bulk spam.

P2P vs Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS is often classified as an automated dialer where you push one button to send out 1000s of messages. P2P requires you to interact with each message. This allows non-profits & political messages to use SMS without direct consent under the TCPA.

Start Sending P2P Texts!

It’s so easy to run a campaign

1) Upload your list
2) Create message template(s)
3) Starting sending

Receive & Manage Replies

1) Use any PC/Mobile Device
2) Engage & collect data
3) Manage hundreds of conversations

Dynamic Personalization

Set up a message template & insert custom dynamic fields such as name, city and more automatically.

Rich & Long Text Capable

Send links, emoticons and rich text to enhance the conversation and send up to 160 characters.

Collect Data & Surveys

Ask survey questions, collect data or pose Y/N questions. Any answer data can be saved directly to your CRM or exported.

Run Unlimited Campaigns

Run unlimited campaigns simultaneously and hold unlimited conversations. Also run an unlimited number of agent sessions at the same time.

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